After the nice auto club man came and towed me to a service place, I, the dog and my overnight bags took a cab home, and I spent the next several hours fretting about what could be wrong with it, fearing that the call would come and would go something like this:
Service Advisor (SA): Well, ma'am, you aren't going to like this.
Me: More than I didn't like smoke pouring out of the hood? Are you sure?
SA: It needs a new fibity-widget, and that will cost $5,000 just for the part.
Me: Really?! But the car isn't worth that much. I could replace the engine with one from the scrapyard for that much! Hold on a second, I'm feeling a little woozy.
SA: So, should we go ahead with the repair, or would you like to talk to someone in sales?
My fretting, it turns out, was pointless, because the repair was surprisingly cheap-- a gasket related to the oil filter needed to be replaced, and the engine needed to be "shampooed." (Seriously... the air coming out of the vents now smells a bit like rug shampoo. Like I tell Sally all the time, I can't make this stuff up.) Whew. So after the cab ride to pick up the car, I was restored to my former level of mobility.
This morning, I talked to the Dear Husband using ooVoo for quite a while, which was very nice, as I think we are both getting quite lonely. We didn't talk about anything interesting or important, it is just nice to see him, even if it is only for a bit, and only over the webcam.
My goals for today went like this:
- Grade 7 papers (I started this morning with 28 left to go... at 7/day they'll be done by the end of Tuesday, which is my deadline.)
- Go to the library to return a book and pick up 3 more
- Acquire provisions for and bake cupcakes
- Outline a paper that is due in a week
This is where my day really started to rock: I happened to look down as I passed a bargain bin of DVDs, and they had the 3rd season of Six Feet Under for $12.99. Even though it wasn't on my list, I had to. To add to the deal, the store was running a store-wide no tax promotion!
Now I'm making these cupcakes and they smell pretty amazing.
I LOVE tax free days at loblaws. That's a really good deal on Six Feet Under!
Sorry about the bucket! That's what I'm going to start calling the Saturn.
Got your voicemail. That is a SUPER sweet deal on the DVD!!!!! Yay!
Bring me a cupcake back?
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